Big Life with Ray Waters Neal Campbell no

“I’m going to go for it Ray. You’ll see.”

Great, I am excited for you.

“Ray, You are going to watch my smoke. I am going to crush this.”

Wonderful. I believe in you.

“Ray, my time is now. I am ready to finally step up and be the leader I have always felt I was supposed to be.”

That’s outstanding news. The world certainly needs great leaders.

“Ray, I am ready to get out of the box.”

Terrific, I know boxes aren’t very comfortable to live in.

“Ray, the time is finally right for me to make a contribution.”

I totally get that. Now is a great time……

You can go for it, crush it, be the leader you have always known you could be, get out of your box, and make a contribution. But will you?

You can talk about it all day. You can practice positive affirmations. You can create a vision board. You can believe in yourself with all your might. But none of that matters, if you don’t do it. Just do it. Get up and do the things you know to do today towards your dream becoming a reality. Then go to bed. Then repeat the process tomorrow. Every day just do it. That’s how you create a truly big life.

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